Description: An application designed for Dr. Salih Yurttas to organize his large library of books. It also allows students to login in to the system and request borrowing of those boooks. This borrowing system allows Dr. Yurttas to track where his books are when he lends them out. An administrator may add, edit, and delete books in the system.
Author: Patrick B Hesser III, Chris Roberts, Mike Ellis, Mike Eskridge, Gabe McDonald, Andrew Troschinetz (class project)
Status: Completed
Languages: C#/ASP.NET 2005/2.0, MS SQL 2005
Requirements: Internet Explorer 6.0
Description: An AI application that will reorganize a series of 'blocks' in the fewest moves possible. The blocks are uniquely numbered and stacked in a number of stacks. The user will set the number of blocks, the number of stacks, and the degree of randomization that the blocks are initially organized (based on a simple counting algorithm). It will run the test based on one of 5 algorithms that the user also determines (Breadth-First, Depth-First, Iterative Depening, Greedy, and A*). After running the test, it will output a report to a text file which will show statistics of the the shortest path to restack the blocks in a single stack and in numerical order. This program is meant purley as an excercise in properly implementing the various algorithms.
Author: Patrick B Hesser III
Status: Completed, with bugs
Languages: C++.NET 2005
Executable: Blocksworld.exe
Requirements: Windows XP (or higher), .NET Framework 2.0
Description: A few small programs that run on the JESS interface, which is a First Order Logic compiler.
Author: Patrick B Hesser III (class project)
Status: Completed
Languages: JESS, First Order Logic
Requirements: A JESS environment
Description: A series of SQL statements that construct a sample database that might be used by an airline to track different airports, airplane types, specific airplanes, flights, where each type of plane can land, flights (each individual leg), fares, passengers, and where they are seated.
Author: Patrick B Hesser III (class project)
Status: Completed
Languages: pSQL within a UNIX environment
Requirements: pSQL database engine
Description: A program that will solve the classic n-Queens problem. The user will input the number of queens, n > 3, to set on a n x n chess board and the program will determine how to place them in such a way that they are not able to capture one another.
Author: Patrick B Hesser III (class project)
Status: Completed
Languages: MIPS Assembly
Requirements: run within a MIPS Assembler
Description: These are a series of logic circuits such as a 32bit Ripple-Carry Adder with Decoders, 32bit Ripple-Carry Adder with Mutliplexers, 32bit Ripple-Carry Adder/Subtractor with Decoders, 32bit Register, D-FlipFlop, D-FlipFlop with Preset and Clear, m555 timer/clock generator, and an SR-Latch.
Author: Patrick B Hesser III (class project)
Status: Completed, with bugs
Languages: MIPS Assembly
Requirements: Verilog compiler
Description: A basic MIPS Single-Cycle CPU with Pipelining and Hazard Control. It will support a small API of about 8 instructions and contiins 16 and 32 bit registers.
Author: Patrick B Hesser III (class project)
Status: Mostly functional, with bugs
Languages: Verilog
Requirements: Verilog compiler
Description: A program that runs a number of functions on a network graph. The user enters a graph either through prompts or from a file. Once the data is input, it determines a text-based graphical representation of the graph, the shortest paths between terminals, creates a Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) for the graph, and the cost of the entire network.
Author: Patrick B Hesser III (class project)
Status: Completed
Languages: ANSI C++ within a UNIX environment
Requirements: ANSI C++ compiler in UNIX or Linux
Description: This is a simple program that uses a radix algorithm to sort a queue. The queue may be either an array or linked list.
Author: Patrick B Hesser III (class project)
Status: Completed
Languages: ANSI C++ within a UNIX environment
Requirements: ANSI C++ compiler in UNIX or Linux
Description: Two programs: one written in C and another written in Java that both can evaluate an algebraic formula with variable using a binary tree as a way to process the formula in the proper order. The user inputs the formula and assigns values to the variables.
Author: Patrick B Hesser III (class project)
Status: Completed
Languages: ANSI C and Java within a UNIX environment
Requirements: ANSI C or Java compiler within UNIX or Linux
Description: A number of search algorithms such as Linear, Binary, Unbalanaced Binary Tree, Balanaced Binary Tree, and Hash Table.
Author: Patrick B Hesser III, Travis Gadberry, Chris Laedwig (class project)
Status: Completed
Languages: ANSI C++ within a UNIX environment
Requirements: ANSI C++ compiler in UNIX or Linux
Description: Various sorting algorithms
Author: Patrick B Hesser III, Travis Gadberry, Chris Laedwig (class project)
Status: Completed
Languages: ANSI C++ within a UNIX environment
Requirements: ANSI C++ compiler in UNIX or Linux